Exclusive Services for Exclusive Travel
Quality Travel solutions
You need to organize a tour, vacation or event in
the South of France and you are wondering:

- How to ensure a quality service to your customers ?
- How you can be sure of the quality of the hotel without testing it ?
- How to organize a logical itinerary without perfectly knowing a destination ?
- How to suggest the latest trendy visits in a country thousands of miles away from your agency ?
- How to get the best rates from new service providers ?
- How to follow up on your contracts and make sure that you maintain the quality of your service providers without incurring travel expenses?
Some examples of our services :
1. Gold option: Creation of a bespoke 8 days/7 nights' program for a small group of 8 people and Copilation of list of quality service providers with dedicated contacts.
----> 6-hour package for 450€ HT

2. Pro option : Local buyer service to negotiate a contract with a service provider including site visit, price negotiation, signing of the partnership contract as per the needs of your agency.
----> Full-day package 8 hours for 520€ HT (depending on the geographical location of the establishment)
- A depth knowledge of tourism services available in the South of France

- Tourism specialists for 20 years

- High level of service

- The possibility of acting local agent for your company

- Great value for money

- Privileged contacts with our local providers

- Customer satisfaction is our priority

We make our south of France specialized DMC expertise available to you.
1026 route de Nîmes
30700 Uzès - France
+336 95 62 19 08
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